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Eight people from various ages and backgrounds come together to enact a living portrait of themselves. Performed in a neutral, bright container, this work examines and amplifies each performer, as an individual and as a member of a group, in banality and crisis.

An abandoned attempt to adapt Oedipus Rex, EVERYONE WAS CHANTING YOUR NAME is the story of Matt, Stayna, Lucy, Mark, Rami, Sara, and Joe standing in a room with an attending audience. Will you remember them?

Original vocal score by Rick Burkhardt.

World premiere Abrons Arts Center 2013

Created for and performed by:
Stayna Alexandre, Matthew Scott Butterfield, Rami Ibrahim, Sara Ishimura, Lucy Kaminsky, Susan Karpman, Joseph Rosta

Alex Barbier, Gisele Baurmann, Joanne Brown, Linus Coers-Meier, Theresa DiTullio, Yonit R Friedman, Haley Houck, Stephanie Hsu, Kanako Ishimura, Tracy Lu, J Moliere, Ryan O’Byrne, Sammie Paul, John Rice, Yael Shavitt, Jan Tuchman

Scenic & Lighting: Eric Southern
Composer: Rick Burkhardt
Chorus Director: Annie Tippe
Master Carpenter: Derek Loehr
Asst. Director: Cass Sachs-Michaels

2012: Prelude Festival (NYC) – in-progress
2013: Abrons Arts Center (premiere)